
Hamleys sexism: there's no point pretending kids are 'gender neutral'
When I first learned of the internet campaign against Hamleys "gender apartheid",
ie allocating separate areas to boys' and girls' toys, I thought it was
a joke. Here's an extract from the campaigning blog, written by someone
called Laura Nelson under the pseudonym "Delilah":
After their initial disappointment, the boys soon find a use for the 'peace toys' in their ongoing re-enactments of bloody battles:
You would think Britain's most famous toy shop would be aware of this lesson, but apparently not. In response to Laura Nelson's campaign, which was not a joke, Hamleys has decided to remove the signs indicating which toys are intended for boys and which for girls. Henceforth, dads looking for Scalextric and mums searching for My Little Pony will just have to wander aimlessly around the shop's five floors until they stumble across them. Most, I imagine, will give up and go home.
Needless to say, Nelson is delighted. In her latest blog post, she writes:
Onward Delilah! With luck, Hamleys will soon replace its Star Wars
and Transformers toys with municipal recycling centres and models of
Erin Pizzey's first women's refuge in Chiswick. After that, it will be
just a short step to a glorious new era characterised by sexual
equality and world peace.
We have a severe lack of women in senior positions in our society and a severe problem of inequality. Only 22 percent of UK parliamentarians are female. A survey of Britain’s top 100 companies find that, of 329 executive directors, only 20 are women. In the media Guardian top 100 this year – the most powerful people in the industry – the first woman is at number 18.Reading this, I was reminded of a famous short story by Saki called 'The Toys of Peace'. It concerns the efforts of two earnest, middle class Lefties to re-educate their military-obsessed nephews by giving them 'peace toys' to play with. Trouble is, the progressive intentions of the manufacturers are lost on the boys. "It's a fort!" exclaims one of them, after tearing off the wrapping. His uncle hurriedly explains that it's a "municipal dust-bin". The next toy to be unwrapped isn't a fort either – it's a model of the Manchester branch of the Young Women's Christian Association. "Are there lions?" asks one of the boys, having recently learned about Roman history. Alas, there are not.
Despite laws and measures to introduce gender equality of rights and opportunities in our society, there is still a gaping gap between the actual proportions of men and women in our leadership positions today.
There are many contributing factors, and one is conditioning of children from an early age. Deep-rooted in our society are stereotypes that dictate to women and men and influence them on the roles in society that they are expected to fill.
After their initial disappointment, the boys soon find a use for the 'peace toys' in their ongoing re-enactments of bloody battles:
Peeping in through the doorway Harvey observed that the municipal dustbin had been pierced with holes to accommodate the muzzles of imaginary cannon, and now represented the principal fortified position in Manchester.The moral of Saki's story is clear: nature will always trump nurture and any attempt to re-educate children so they grow up to be model citizens in some socialist utopia is bound to fail.
You would think Britain's most famous toy shop would be aware of this lesson, but apparently not. In response to Laura Nelson's campaign, which was not a joke, Hamleys has decided to remove the signs indicating which toys are intended for boys and which for girls. Henceforth, dads looking for Scalextric and mums searching for My Little Pony will just have to wander aimlessly around the shop's five floors until they stumble across them. Most, I imagine, will give up and go home.
Needless to say, Nelson is delighted. In her latest blog post, she writes:
Congratulations everyone! We still have work to do on the nature of the toys themselves, and the gender stereotyping of their marketing – but we have come to a milestone. Great work!
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